Trusted QP Advisory board.
Trusted Quality Partners advisory board member of PCU Company strategy, partner relation and technical advisory group.
PCU Company aim to develop solutions with partners in the six most important user groups, as in the “What, why, how”, to provide a small portable universal, exact and personal safe-ID solution available for everybody.
PCU Company need a wide selection of companies and organizations as Trusted Members. A Trusted Member might be a Quality Partner, from a central organization, a technical expert, an important licensed user and or an important licensed utilizer of the unique third generation PCU-ID-solutions.
The member may help with their strategy knowledge, technical background user knowledge to help developing the best PCU as well as they themselves will acquire inside knowledge of PCU Company technology, development and test results for their own use.
PCU, personal connect unit, personal contact unit and Personal Cyber-biologic Universal-ID
- The only small, portable, universal, safe and exact Cyber-biologic-identification unit.
- The only exact identification without compromising the real biologic data of a person.
- Tobe used only as an optional safety to existing ID-solutions to provide an exact ID.
- To be the only universal, safe and exact ID-solutions for all, creating a replaceable CB-ID if stolen and compatible to a variety of complex ID and safety solution users.
We am to deliver secure personal safety identification solutions for a multitude of different user in following areas; IT-internet application and software market, in banking, wireless payment in service and trade market, producers of digital equipment’s, admission and start control in the home market and for the professional and social suppliers at the internet.
Thomas Bergerskogen

2016 – Viseadm. direktør. Computerworld
2014 – Adm. direktør, Computer Communications AS (Computerworld) august 2014 – august 2016
1997 – Viseadm. direktør IDG med Computerworld og PC World m.m
1991 – Markedsdirektør for Computerworld og PC World
1989 – Markedssjef Computerworld
1985 – Annonsesjef Computerworld
1984 – Annonseselger Computerworld
1983 – 1984 Fram Reklamebyrå
1978 – 1983 Bokselger i Arnkrone og Kunnskapsforlaget
Trond Arnljot Jensen

Master i økonomi fra Universitetet i Bergen
2012 – Statnett
2006 – 2012 Statnett
2000 – 2006 Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat
1991 – 2000 Transportøkonomisk institutt
1990 – 1991 NHH (Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning)
Arne Johannessen

2015 – Nordia Payment Service AB
Etablert selskapet.
2014 – Nordia Payment Service AS
Etablert selskapet. Styreleder. Administrasjon.
2012 – Omida Led Norge AS
Etablert selskapet. Styreleder
2011 – 2014 Point Transaction Systems
SDM (service delivery manager) med ansvar for storkundene.
2003 – 2011 Adimo Norge
Etablerte selskapet som leverte betalingsterminaler i Norge og Sverige
1996 – 2003 Telenor – Bravida – Umoe IKT
Team/avdelingsleder for service/installasjon/support
1992 – 1996 Pos System
Servicetekniker betalingssystemer