What is a PCU?
A PCU is a Cyber Biological Identification Unit that communicates with everything from door locks to login solutions for PC’s or Internet banking. It is easy to bring along wherever you go, either as a small, separate unit replacing keys, access cards, pin code devices etc., or as an independent unit integrated in a mobile phone.
How does a PCU work?
Forget passwords, keys and codes. Choose your own method of identification, using biological properties such as iris, finger print, facial or voice recognition.
Instead of using your actual biometric data, the PCU will generate a Cyber Biologic ID (CB-ID) for authentication. As with your real data, this ID is not stored in the unit. A PCU will give unique CB-ID’s for every individual user at all times.
The PCU uses industry standard technology to communicate with systems such as Bluetooth, NFC, Proximity, WiFi and 4G.
What can a PCU be used for?
A PCU can be used for nearly all digital units demanding secure access. Many web-based services and systems have no need for identifying a person, but merely require an authorized user. A PCU can be used for authorization as well as and identification. The unit can also be used for other purposes, such as locking your house or car.

Why PCU?
There is a large and ever increasing number of solutions for logging on to various systems, opening doors, paying or transferring money etc., and each of these solutions require their own code and password. However, the level of security that these passwords and codes are meant to uphold is compromised when the user has one password for all user accounts, or makes notes of the accounts with corresponding password or code. The need for one simple and secure standardized solution is therefore rapidly increasing.
This standardized solution MUST be a secure option, and as opposed to an app or a password, the PCU is precisely that. Why is the
PCU secure?
The PCU addresses two important issues relating to security and safety. Firstly, to ensure that only the right user is given access. Using biometrics is a much safer option than using a PIN and password. The PCU utilizes a unique biometric solution CB-ID, always send and handled by encrypted communication only, and state-of-the-art security technology.
Secondly, the PCU addresses the danger attached to applying biometrics. The use of finger prints etc. is rapidly increasing, but the risks are rarely mentioned. If you lose a PIN code or password, you can get new ones. If you lose all your biometric features, they cannot be replaced. The PCU ensures this will never happen by neither storing nor sending real biometric data – it merely utilizes the best of both, being exact and replaceable. Having a user’s Cyber Biometric data is not enough in itself; you also need the right PCU. In addition, a lost CB-ID can easily be replaced.
The dangers of losing your real biometric data or your CB-ID are therefore reduced to a minimum.

How will the PCU succeed?
The PCU will succeed by obtaining a «critical mass» of users. When you reach a level where enough people are using PCU in one area, the interest will spread into other areas. This will in turn attract more users, and open up even more areas for using the PCU.
Examples of such areas are banking and financing, door locks and access control, access to public sites, equipment manufacturers (smart phones, PC’s, cars), social media and Internet and general communication. How can the PCU solution be organized?
It is possible to use the PCU in a limited area only. However, the strength of the product as a universal solution using the best mobile technology is enhanced as the number of usage areas increases. With a multitude of applications it is possible to establish a central management of the overall solution, while the individual PCU’s are still used in clearly limited areas.
A future prospect includes a national database with sub-groups for central management within banking (e.g. mCash, Vipps, Swich, MobilePay, Internet banking and trade) and the public sector (e.g. tax and business reporting services (Altinn), the Inland Revenue Service, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), National ID cards, passports, driver license)
How to survive in an insecure digital future
- Never store real biological data (not even when encrypted)
Lost real biological data can never be regained or replaced. - Use only Cyber-Biological ID’s (CB-ID’s) and make sure these are stored in an encrypted form, and not in the PCU.
- Use only CB-ID type identifications as it is easily replaced by reading a CB-ID from a new PCU or loading a new biometric combination from the existing PCU. A person can have several active CB-ID’s when using more than one PCU.
- If a PCU is lost, your stored CB-ID can easily be blocked in central databases, and stolen CB-ID’s will not work when a compromised CB-ID has been replaced.
PCU Company – aiming to be best, not first!