Our inventions around PSN (Personal Synthetic Number Diagram) used as a production algorithm to create the use of Synthetic Biometrics as identity protection and registration of smart devices and bank ID keys was patent approved in WIPO 20.06. 2017 (application effect from 2012), patent approved in the USA 20.02. 2018, in China 11.09. 2018, in Hong Kong 28.06. 2019, in Norway 29.06. 2020, and in EPO 02.08. 2023. Please read more about the Norwegian inventions at www.PCUcompany.com.
“the Norwegian Teknologirådet” Wrote Thursday 10.26. 2023:
This is how China will regulate artificial intelligence.
China has introduced laws to regulate artificial intelligence, such as algorithm oversight, labeling of synthetic content and data and security requirements, but also strict moderation and censorship and requirements to support core socialist values. We give you the overview.
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is at the heart of the ongoing technological rivalry between the US and China. Reaping the benefits of technological breakthroughs have become security policy priorities. At the same time, both countries are trying to design regulations that ensure proper development and use of the technology, without inhibiting innovation.
While the EU is negotiating a general artificial intelligence law and the US is developing voluntary principles for responsible artificial intelligence, China has already introduced laws to regulate the technology. The Chinese AI laws are designed to be updated on an ongoing basis, to ensure that the laws keep pace with technological developments and to close any unforeseen loopholes. In 2018, China introduced a law for online content moderation, followed by, among other things, rules for auditing and registering algorithms, synthetic labeling of AI-generated content and requirements for government security assessments of generative artificial intelligence tools.
The debate about ensuring that existing laws do not undermine innovation and development has become increasingly prominent in China. The Internet and related digital services are subject to strong government censorship and control, and the new AI laws have created headaches for Chinese tech companies. China has long been the world’s largest technology exporter. Now it remains to be seen whether the new rules will promote innovation and technological breakthroughs or stick sticks in the wheels of Chinese technology companies